FOX Sports San Diego

Project Basics

BPM’s Role: Camera, Audio

Client: SDLive, FOX Sports San Diego

Date: Various, 2015


Interview, Video & Audio


I shoot feature stories for SDLive, a weekly show broadcast on FOX Sports San Diego. Having a very different subject matter each time, it forces me to quickly adapt my shooting style on the spot to best capture the action. Being news-based, there’s little to no time to stage shots and coordinate movements with our interviewees. We usually do the interviews first, then I run around to capture whatever sport it is, as creatively as I can. I operate 2 DSLR cameras with a range of lenses while a producer leads the interview and a production assistant hits record on my audio setup. The videos are edited by FSSD’s in-house editors for broadcast continuity.

Here’s a playlist of several sports videos ranging from Muay Thai to underwater hockey to a surf clinic for disabled veterans.