Backpacking & Nature Photography in Yosemite

on 07.20.2014 Nature Photography with 0 comments
Yosemite Valley panorama

I spent a week solo in the backcountry of Yosemite with my camera and the essentials for survival, on a mission to find myself and the limitless power and beauty of nature. Mission accomplished.

Whether you’re shooting landscape, outdoor adventure or nature photography the goal is the same… capture the scene while making the least possible impact on the environment so that many others may enjoy it as you have. At least that’s my goal. I’m a believer in the “leave no trace” approach to the outdoors and being an Eagle Scout, a large amount of respect, reverence and love for nature was instilled in me from an early age.

As a scout we’d car camp once a month year-round so it was sometimes in the snow and sometimes in the heat & humidity of the central east coast. I grew up hiking around the Appalachian Trail and frequenting Shenandoah National Park. And in the summers we’d do a week-long trip to a large camp with other scout troops, often filled with high adventure and aquatic activities. For example one year, we went white water canoeing on the New River in Virginia, one of the five oldest rivers in the world. It flows south-to-north, like the Nile River, indicating that the New River river is older than the Appalachian Mountains themselves. Crazy!

Anyway, this post is all about me experiencing Yosemite for the first time.